Forest Assessments & Management Plans

Need help managing your forest? 

If you own forestland and are wondering how best to manage it sustainably, we can help. Since 1991 we have been providing consulting services and are experienced ecological foresters. We strive to develop a comprehensive picture of your forests that reflects your needs, abilities and goals. This work includes: meeting with landowners, a questionaire to tailor your plan, a review of historic aerial photographs and forest layers, and a thorough assessment. This enables us to identify your forest's challenges, priorities, and the presence of rare or invasive species. Once the forest assessment is complete, we create a user-friendly document that includes easy-to-read maps, a breakdown of priorities and a multiyear plan of appropriate restoration treatments and sustainable harvesting practices. 

If you would like to learn more about funding for woodlot owners seeking management plans on PEI, check out the Forest Enhancement Program. We also have a video series on forest restoration methods on our YouTube channel.

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